The Second Doctor Adventures: Beyond War Games
The Second Doctor Adventures Beyond War Games [DISCLAIMER: This review is kinda. like. mean and stuff?? I don't wanna be mean and stuff but this is what it is?? you know?? Anyway I'm not an asshole here I don't wish any harm on any of the writers or people involved and I hate that I have to specify that but you know this is the internet . I hope no one is offended, and if you liked it, you know, that's great!! I'm just being a reviewer person. Anyway, um. Review time] I don't know what to say. Um, first off, it's delightful that #2 finally has his own proper recast, even if Frazier Hines was doing a pretty good job with it. In terms of a recast, yeah, he's quite good. You can tell they put a lot of thought into the decision and didn't just cast Michael Troughton because he's related, he puts in a genuinely pretty great performance. Michael Troughton is a great recast, this is clearly a labor of love to him, and over the course of the set he get...