The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Back to Earth
The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Back To Earth omigod you guys!! he's like, back to earhth and everything. OMG. the like ninth doctor never does that at all oooooo I'm like totes excited for, like, the earth, and ...the back. like that stuff is just f a b you get me sis? spill the tea Okay, bitchiness to the side, what I will be further referring to as 9DA volume 5 as that title is just plainly stupid, is more of the same content we got so far in series one. I can't exactly fault that necessarily. There have been plenty of series before where we got stuck with an arrangement for two seasons - Jo Grant, Clara and a few other companions stuck with their Doctors for quite some time so I can't necessarily fault the season for doing what is essentially the same. You could argue that if it isn't broken you don't necessarily have to fix it. What it does do, however, I must admit, is refuse to innovate in any way upon what was established in series one. I think that...