The Fourth Doctor Adventures: New Frontiers
The Fourth Doctor Adventures: New Frontiers [Usual disclaimer: I am not an asshole. I am reviewing a product. I wish none involved in the making of this product harm in any way, nor should my opinion be taken as the entire fact and truth of the matter - I can only speak to the feelings of myself. I wish all who read this review a good day.] New Frontiers is a special case in terms of a Big Finish boxset. Words fail it. Usually Big Finish boxsets will fall under one of a few categories - entirely good and high quality drama, consistent yet forgettable stories, variable quality, or the rare total disappointment. New Frontiers as a boxset somehow manages to be, stunningly, none of these. Usually when a new companion is brought out to the forefront, there is a creative upheaval. A massive quality increase usually occurs as a new series begins, as the writers grow excited with the new toys they have in their box. It is rare a companion introduction is disappointing, and for...