The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series Nine Volume One
The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 I'm very quickly falling in love with these sets of two two hour long stories, and am all the sadder to see that Big Finish will soon be forgoing them in order to focus on three story boxsets, which I'm not quite sure is the right move. Especially when we have sets such as this as evidence that the classic who 4 part format is nigh perfection for the classic doctors. It would be difficult to serve a team like the Fourth Doctor, Romana, Adric and K9 in a one hour format, or even the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan for that matter. You can only see this all the more with how the modern day series struggles with large TARDIS teams. And while Stranded benefits from a large ensemble piece, half of set one didn't include Andy, and set two had a revolving door cast. Not only is the four part format made for Doctor Who, I tend to find the four disc format is made for Big Finish, and I'm disappointed about that. But that'...