4DA Series 8B
Fever Island By Jonathan Barnes
Your love for this one depends entirely on your like for James Bond and other spy flicks. So, Tough Crap, I adore this one, and it’s my favorite 4DA. It’s amazing.
There’s so many brilliant things in the story such as Tom Baker’s Villain, K9 being K9, one of the best scores in all of Doctor Who, and that’s not only audio, as well as A beautiful guest cast, and fantastic concepts.
I Love Your Butler He’s So Violent: The Tom Baker performance of legends. He double teams playing Okulouv and The Doctor, and while The Doctor is the usual quality, Okulouv is so deep and powerful sounding that he’s almost James Earl Jones. Utter Perfection.
*That* has now Happened: It's a nice way to acknowledge Ann’s um, plot twist by having her unaffected by the mist. Still waiting on that character though.
Overall: Holy crap. 10/10
The Perfect Prisoners By John Dorney
A fantastic fusion of Star Wars and James Bond. The Perfect Prisoners is one of the best finales in Who, with a healthy dose of meta plot twists, and a connection to Sara Kingdom, The Perfect Prisoners is absolutely hecking beautiful.
Whatever it tries to do, it does exceedingly well.
I Love Your Butler, He’s So Violent: Four is heartbreaking in this. In the second part, he performs so beautifully mournfully, saying he only has one best friend, saying Annah can never travel with him, raging out in a way we never see him at a deception like this. It’s astonishing, the way, Baker never really changes his performance, but the way he lashes out with such melancholy is amazing, and proof that this Doctor does have range.
*FRENZIED SCREECHING*: What a plot twist. What a way to justify the lack of character Ann has had. What a sucker punch, what a performance, what brilliant foreshadowing, what a fantastic way for the series to resolve. I’m astonished that Big Finish could pull this off. I’m astonished anyone could.
Overall: The Perfect Prisoners is amazing, and I haven’t even got to the way it starts thick in a plot and then works that into the main plot of what’s going on.
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