Winter of the Daleks


Winter of the Daleks

A Four Part Unbound Miniseries

When the Doctor and The Master arrive at the same time on the planet of Skaro in the bitter winter months following a devastating nuclear fallout, they realize what day it is - the day the Daleks awaken. For thousands of years, the Daleks were burnt in, held up alone in the bunkers beneath Skaro - buried with their creator Davros by the Fourth Doctor's mission to destroy them once and for all. But no, they were always going to get out. This is the day they did. And then - and then - the TARDIS, is destroyed. Once and for all. For good. Kaput.

The Doctor and The Master are going to have to work together, aren't they? It's only polite, after all. They might die otherwise, of course. It all sounds so very run of the mill for them. They've done this sort of thing, running from Daleks, forced to work together, so many times. The Master's gonna betray the Doctor eventually. Backstabbing 101. But what if, for just one day, they don't? What happens that day? And the next? And the next?

Alone on the ruins of Skaro, in the cold winter, they're going to have to learn to be friends again. Even if it kills them.

Especially if it kills them...


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