Time Shenanigans


Time Shenanigans, a Doctor Who boxset themed around the various ways history can go wrong...

Day of the Goat

When The Doctor and Sarah Connor accidentally stumble into an alternative timeline inhabited entirely by Goats, they're forced to go through the entirety of the Day of the Doctor but with goat noises overlaid over all of the dialog. Truly, the most thought provoking and deep NCBBDAS episode.

The Inevitability of Chris Pratt

Introducing Hollywood's New Leading Man - Chris Pratt, the next Doccy Who! Presented to you by Faction Hollywood, home of the best recasts. 

Revisionist History

A run of the mill murder case in the 1800s devolves into The Doctor and Sarah Connor having to placate the legendarily shit time travellers known as the Clockkind. 


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