Torchwood: The Conspiracy
The Conspiracy by David Llewellyn
The Conspiracy is really quite a unique story, and one that I immensely enjoyed over the runtime. It's a phenomenal example on how to keep the audience guessing, even if they probably already know the solution. Yes, from the start it's clear the Committee is real, but The Conspiracy like any good story of this kind, throws you for a loop, and tries and at certain points succeeds at making you think that maybe it isn't. That is, unless like me, you've listened to the other thirty something audios with the committee in them. Anyway, The Conspiracy is still incredibly solid: A good example on how to write a Jack Harkness story- It's incredibly easy to get caught up in his inneundos and flirtations that you kind of forget the point of him. A really, honestly great start to the Torchwood range in general, to be honest. Why I didn't start here and instead went by the anachronistic stupid order you see in the Directory, I'll never understand. Pick it up: It's definitely worth your time, and the stories after it will solidify that. 9/10
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