A Year In Review
Minus One, Every Single NCJDDAS, Main Range and NCBBDAS story has been this year. I wrote so much because of lockdown, it's almost horrific. Before now, I've never really gone over what I think are my most successful works. Now I will. This is A Year In Review for My Stories Of 2020. I love all the contributions from other writers (in fact, I'd put them above all of these) but I am an egocentric nutjob with unlimited power. (Still, go read Genesis of The Humans or I will gut you) And here we go!
Work In Progress/Starcorp Horror Part One and Two
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If someone asked me what I'm trying to go for in this series, what I'm trying to work towards, I'd point towards these two connected stories, which despite being early on (Before the Pandemic! Holy Crap) are still probably one of my strongest works. The NCJDDAS was a lot rougher in terms of characterization, but the ideas and humor are still there, and I don't really giggle when reading my older writing often, but these two make it. They form a (almost) full story about Cicily, Danny's co-worker secretary gone genocidal mad. After this story did so well I threw starcorp around a lot in stories like Benny and The Jets and A God's Interlude (where they were gods? What was I thinking?) But despite being early on, I don't think I got Dench ever so well as I did here. It's ridiculous, star-studded and filled with old people doing stunts.
The Three Romanas
Ah, Roman. A guest character I loved too damn much for one story and then shoehorned him in for the rest of the season and the following two. Despite this referring to Danny's one story long death and whatnot, It's fairly accessible. I feel I really got Romana and Leela's chemistry down, and throwing Roman in the mix as the ultimate curmudgeon really makes them all sing. Then there's Bette Midler as The Rani (I really should do more with her) and the very stupid running joke of Countryfile.
The only story from Season Two I'm actually proud of (Farming In The Country withstanding it's not written by me)
Dark Page
Read Here: Dark Page
Jumping ahead a millennia, here's probably the best executed piece I've done. An actual murder mystery about a town receiving letters with their date of death (a concept lovingly stolen from Robert Shearman, king of NCJDDAS inspiration) the real thing I like about Dark Page is not mine but someone elses. Elizabeth Olsen as The Doctor is almost a ludicrous idea, but it's not mine. The brilliant Arbrax had been making art of her as the Doctor for a long, long time, and this was her prose debut-
One that although I consulted with her on, I had the freedom to go nuts with. I introduced Paige here. I established Elizabeth Olsen's ditzy but brilliant nature. And I let them go wild with the established characters of the cast, who also got a chance to shine (The Dench Doctor and Cherry chanting the word Crime while vandalizing a post office is one of my proudest jokes.) Dark Page isn't entirely my triumph, but it is currently my favorite work that I've written for this series, at least probably.
The Defilers of Plot
Hint Hint. All my favorites minus those four are in the Main Range. I really think the Main Range is my renaissance. I'm a bit sad to be leaving it soon to start a new Doctor, but come on, How can I top stuff like this? I love Tom Baker and Jane Slavin together, and the Defilers of Plot is just...mad. It's stupid, it's terrible, and I love it. The best ones of any of my stories are that way.
Read Here: Recovery
Doctor Who and The Teletubbies
Read Here: Doctor Who and The Teletubbies
I could write Capaldi and Clara forever, so it's surprising they haven't come back since this one. I love Capaldi to a fault and I had to give him a wonderful debut. The whole story is Teletubbies being incredibly violent. What's not to love?
A Private Little War
Read Here: A Private Little War
This story was entirely inspired by both the fact that there are 4 actors to have played the First Doctor and that I both can't stand the way Hartnell says "Hmm" every other line and also adore it. What I would give to have Hartnell gurn all over the television screen hammily, and saying, "HMM, MY BOY, I'LL FUCKING MURDER YOU AND WEAR YOUR SKIN HMM" is not an amount of money that exists in all of reality.
Dinnertime Part One and Two
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I don't really love doing parody, the NCJDDAS only ocasionally does it, but the End of Time is just such a beast that this really begged to be made. It's entirely jokes. There is no plot, minus that of the original and how dumb and wonderful it is. I brought back Dench and Danny (As much as I love Roman their chemistry on their own is so fun) and I just let them loose. Most of my writing is off the cuff, and by now, Ten Months of writing these two meant I knew them like the back of my hand. I didn't do much writing, I just let the characters "Speak." Sounds pretentious, I know. The secret is, I am pretentious. All the same, whether you love or hate or lovhate The End Of Time, check this one out.
The Dalek Noun Adjective
Read Here: The Dalek Noun Adjective
Okay, I'll slow down with the Main Range. Or, I'll try. I just love writing the Daleks. I love writing 13 (she's essentially the Dench Doctor but like, better as a person and without the guns) and I loved introducing Lottie. As a result, I'm putting this here out of the sheer enjoyment it was to write.
Torchwood is dramatic. For the final item on this list, I'm putting up these two equally dramatic but different tales concerning the amoral ladies of Torchwood. I rarely write seriously, but I try here. Whether the results fit to your tastes is up to you.
For now, Au Revoir. Till 2021. Unless I get bored and make another post before then.
Honorable Mentions:
Every Single Story By A Different Writer
Seriously, they're all great
Please Check Out
Farming In The Country by Gallifrey_Immigrant and also The Century Box but that one's only part one of something unfinished
The Judi Dench Never Dies Trilogy by Windsprite:
Alicavantsauce's Genesis of The Humans:
Also by Me there's these three that didn't make the cut
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