Torchwood: Aliens Among Us 1

Yes, I am reviewing the Elevator one, now calm down

Torchwood Aliens Among Us 1

Aliens Among Us (1 at the very least) is incredibly inspired, and although maybe not the best thing Big Finish have done, is incredibly enjoyable, and brings back/introduces a new Torchwood team in a format similar to the best Series Two episodes. It's good, okay? Torchwood has gotten rather excellent, under Big Finishes reign, long may it serve, and It's created some excellent new characters to go with the team, most of which are the highlight of the set. Jack is also a lot more like Doctor Who Jack, IE, fun, and not a broody bitch. Gwen is much the same, except, well....

Changes Everything by James Goss

Changes Everything is an intentional ripoff of the other Torchwood pilot, Everything Changes, as it introduces a new member to the Torchwood team, and-
oops, got you there, didn't it? 
Changes Everything is a hell of a fake out, introducing Tyler nearly exactly like Gwen, having Gwen show up like Jack did, and, it's rather brilliant in that it takes your pilot episode and subverts your expectations for the rest of the series, In Short, Tyler isn't gonna be Team Torchwood. It's a pretty deft maneuver, and the dialogue is layered, especially near the end when Gwen says she brought Tyler coffee, which is like an Ianto thing. Oof. Yes, Changes Everything, all things considered is a pretty spectacular opening, and I didn't even get into Jack's fake-out resurrection being the same, and Colchester being an absolute vibe. The ending on Gwen's name drop lets you realize something has also gone real dang wrong here. 8.5/10

Aliens and Sex and Chips and Gravy by James Goss

Strangely, there is hardly any sex in it, especially with that title. Also, It's a rather iffy story, where it's clear the effort kind of went to the first one? All the same, it's not to say it's enjoyable, It really is, and it pulls the rug down on you in a nice way, at the end. That's also not to say Little Goody Two Shoes Sorvix isn't annoying as hell, and the plot goes around in a bit of a pointless loop, but by god are Gwen and Colchester fun. And that cliffhanger...brr...

Orr by Juno Dawson

Orr doesn’t have many ideas as a story, it has our new Lead being introduced, and they’re a positive vibe, Orr is a completely awesome character, who when I heard the synopsis for I got concerned, and by the ending of the story I was cheering for them. Although Sex is an important part of their character, They aren’t oversexualised, and in fact, are pretty cool and all that. Tyler is still in this one, (the set seems kind of desperate to shove him into every installment, even if it isn’t that organic to do so) and I really like his dynamic with Jack, but by the halfway point when we’re dealing with the bomb, he loses any point to be in the story. Also the bomb just doesn’t blow up, which I’m really hoping is some kind of tie in to a future story, because if it just doesn’t blow up, the plot of this one kind of pisses me off. If it’s forgotten about, I’ll kind of be angry. Yes, I know they can’t blow up Orr, but still! It’s nonetheless entertaining and incredibly fun. 8/10

Superiority Complex by AK Benedict

Absolutely great. I love this one, this is what Torchwood I guess I’ll talk about Gwen now.
Gwen is fake. But she kind of isn’t. Although she’s being played by a different actor, and although she’s been possessed by said other actor’s unnamed character (Ng?) in terms of characterization, she’s still very recognizably Gwen. Minus the whole shooting her mom bit. I do like her in this. I also  love Orr, who is used to an incredible degree, emotional and well played, while still incredibly hilarious. This is also the Elevator one, and whoever came up with that deserves to be knighted by the Queen. Jack and Colchester are also still fun as hell. (Everything’s better with a Harkness inside you) The concepts, although predictable, are still incredibly solid, and there’s some excellent dialogue for All involved. Everything about this one is so fun. So brilliant, so undeniably Torchwood. 9/10



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