The Time Of The Daleks

The Time of The Daleks by Justin Richards

Must I talk about this one? It’s crap. The story has a fondness for Shakespeare, and has Shakespeare quoting Daleks, but that’s it. Everyone runs around for two hours being useless. It’s important to the story arc, so you can’t exactly skip it, but you can’t exactly like it either. The guest stars are effortlessly stupid as well.
Bring Me Knitting: Paul Mcgann is as bored with the script as I am. 
Charlie Pollard, Edwardian Adventuress: The second most interesting thing about the script is the fact that the story is a stable time loop due to Charlie mucking about with the timelines by existing. Unfortunately this is not really utilized well, like everything in the story.
The Monsters: The Daleks are awesome, but after having at least 147 combined audio and television appearances, last I checked, there isn’t much left for them to do, especially when your story is already so mindless. A story has to work to justify using the Daleks nowadays, and this one does not to do other than “Shakespeare quoting Daleks”
Which is awesome, and worth three points alone, but not even utilized enough. How do you realize that’s a good enough idea to put in your script and then barely use it?
Overall: The Droll of Big Finish, and I positively despise it. It has Shakespeare quoting Daleks and charlie time shenanigans, but that’s worth a point at most. And the rest just detracts from that.. Abysmal: 0/10


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