Bernice Summerfield Legion

I'm going to state my honest opinion and say right now, if you need to get these sets, (Nary, listen) let them be Road Trip and Legion, because both Epoch and New Frontiers get far too iffy, as in stuck up their own asses with their stupid plots, and Legion and Road Trip are for their parts, both flawless, and requiring little continuity or standalone. 
Legion is my personal favorite of the two, possessing what I think is the best sci fi murder mystery of all time, followed by (Um, okay, it's a Dorian Gray story, but it's good) finished off with a very funny shopping spree trip, and this trilogy, from murder mystery, to bleak horror, to shopping really shows what Benny does at her best. If Road Trip didn't convince you. All the same, Legion is really something, and it shows, especially with a start like:

Vesuvius Falling by Tony Lee

I wrote about this one in a different review type, and golly, this is exactly how you do murder in sci-fi. So many forget the concept of murder shows, thinking merely MURDER ON A SPACESHIP is going to hold the audience's attention when there are so many stories that think like this, and as such, all fail as a group result! An especially guilty example would be I went to a Marvellous Party from River Song, which is a story where the murder is the least interesting thing about it. No, murder mysteries have to draw you in, otherwise the procedure is uninteresting in itself, and Vesuvius Falling is a MASTERCLASS at this. A Murder in a space cryogenic unit, where the murder took place hundreds of millenia ago, and yet the suspects are still alive? That's a sci - fi murder idea. Too many sci-fi stories don't think like that. This one really is a Agatha Christie one in space. It really is. Too few stories actually go that far, but this one does, and few of those nail it, but MY GOD is Vesuvius Falling just what the Doctor ordered. 10/10

Shades of Grey by Scott Handcock

Okay, so this being called Bernice Summerfield is a bit silly when she's hardly in it, but what it does is smart, dragging our main trio of Benny Ruth and Jack's ACTORS into 3 Dorian Gray stories, one in an Asylum, one involving a tapestry, and one involving one of Dorian's loves, and it tells them all with the actors from the Benny series playing different roles in each one. This can be annoying to go into, expecting some good Bernice Summerfield exploring a haunted house stuff, especially when the intro misleads you, but what you ultimately get is a Fun conceit, and incredibly joyous to listen to in that it nails the strange, dark creepy vibe of all of these, 3 stories that I would actually all say, for a change in Big Finish outside the Torchwood range...are terrifying.
I'm not saying thank you for making me shit my pants, but yes, I am going to say this is what you asked for. Now PUT IT BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM SO HELP ME I AM FAR TOO AFRAID FOR THIS CRAP. It also could have been better if it used Benny and her team better instead of making a Dorian show, but it's proficient as all get out, and GET IT AWAY I'M TOO SCARED FOR THIS 8.5/10

Everybody Loves Irving by Miles Richardson

What everyone desperately needed after Dorian injected some nightmare fuel into the Irvefield's engines, Everybody Loves Irving is a great funny little story of fluff with little consequence, and as such, my complaints are brief.
One, heavy usage of calling Braxiatel, Irving. I don't like it.
Two, mild ignorance of the guest cast, especially with the antonio plot tumor that pisses me off especially because I know where its' going.
Three, I was surprised when the set ended, as good as this episode is, it doesn't really work as a finale, it's as such, a bit of a disappointment in that area only, as the rest of it is hilariously flawless.
There are definitely better Bernice stories that can be done, but you know, I'm not mad at this thing it all, and Miles Richardson definitely should write for Brax more, he gets the character like THAT. 7.5/10


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