And You Will Obey Me


And You Will Obey Me by Alan Barnes

And You Will Obey Me is a real Masterpiece, and don't you know it! It's an Incredibly solid and rather brilliantly plotted Master adventure in which the Master barely features, he's in less than a fourth of it, and the way it builds it's narrative around that is quite something, with the Grandfather clock, all of the espionage, and bits of Beevers leaking in more and more as the story goes on. 
Beevers has always been a great Master, but for reasons later documented in The Two Masters, he's especially great here, even more than usual. The Master is best to me when you let them have fun, and Beevers gives a real wicked presence, and he plays off Davison as well as he did the two Baker's and McCoy in previous stories. 
I usually get annoyed when a Dalek story takes 25 minutes to build up the Daleks' involvement, but And You Will Obey Me is so smart in the way it invents it's whole narrative around the character and his supposed absence. It's not a 10/10 release, but the more I think about it, the better it sounds, and the more developed it becomes. 9/10


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