(MAIN RANGE): The End of The Dark - Part One
(MAIN RANGE): The End of The Dark Guy Henry Doctor created by Riley Eleanor Tomlinson Doctor created by Hazel Elizabeth Olsen Doctor created by Arbrax Rahul Kohli Doctor created by Mikey Mary Elizabeth Winstead Doctor created by Gallifrey_Immigrant All other Doctors created by me PART ONE OF TWO (or possibly three) Chapter One The Doctor stood in front of an enormous void of pulsing color. He began walking through the smoky rainbow of the vortex, and thought to himself very carefully about where exactly he was. "Hello, Doctor." Said a Serene, Spaced Out Voice. "You?" The Doctor said, surprised. "Oh, don't tell me this is one of those days, Doctor." "Indeed it is, Doctor." The Doctor also said. She smiled, her eyes switching between glazed over and bouncing across her eyebrows like a pinball hit too many times in a pinball machine. She adjusted her long hair, and gestured politely. "After you." She said. * * * "Which bo...