The Fearmonger

The Fearmonger by Jonathan Blum

The Fearmonger is without a doubt, only gotten more pertinent with time. It’s a piece that was a warning, and the era that we live in now may make it harder to listen to than it was initially considered for how it’s
written. The very peak of early Big Finish knew its audience, that it was talking to people who wanted maturity that wasn’t maturity for maturity’s sake, not the VNAs, and the Fearmonger delivers a frankly delicious plot to go with that, as well as some of the best characterization of Seven and Ace since Remembrance of the Daleks or Greatest Show of The Galaxy. It slots into that era naturally, but unlike the Fourth Doctor Adventures sometimes fail to understand, it does so as a natural progression, rather than a direct imitation. The Fearmonger’s topic of politicians, radio jockeys and other public figures being platforms for hate and fear can be hard to listen to. Especially Jacqueline Pierce’s devilish performance as Sherilyn Harper, a woman that feels only too similar to some of the vile men and women in public office today. The Fearmonger is scarily real, and if anything, exactly what the people should be hearing right now, even ignoring the fantastic plotting and twists. Everyone should listen to this: 10/10


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